A letter to a chocolate bar?!

It's been a while since my last post but I have decided not to post everything here just 'cos I have it and also the weather has not been kind to us astrophotographers of late. :(

The following are a couple of images a month apart. The Milky Way shot was from holiday (south of France) in August and the other from the back garden in September.

Both targets are ones which I have been wanting to get for a long time (years) but lack of skill early on, both in data aquisition and processing let me down, so years later..... here we are!

Just as an aside - I contstantly find that astrophotography is a hobby where you really do need to have multiple skill sets acting as one and it is a very technical pasttime that needs certain things doing at certain times and they will impact later things if not done correctly, for example, setting up the mount.
There are many disciplines at play - astronomy, photography, computing and image processing (which is an art all unto itself!), to name a few.

So, here I give you Barnard's E in Aquila and the Milky Way in Sagittarius.

Barnard's E in Aquila. 4th Sept. 2023.

Made up of Barnard 142 and 143.
Askar FRA400 refractor.
60 x 120sec. subs with Altair 533C OSC and SkyTech LPRO Max filter.
Processed in Siril, GraXpert and Affinity Photo.

The Milky Way in Sagittarius from southern France. 17th August 2023.

Canon 5D MKII
50mm @ f2.2
1min 52sec total (8 sec. subs.)
Processed in Affinity Photo

Clear skies.
