Let's start as we mean to go on, eh?

And a very HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all!

I say all, but at this stage some 12 years on, we've amased no audience at all - just a few views!?!?! <insane laughter>

Al and I did always want this as a record of our trials and tribulations though, so we have that at least.

On to this post then ..... well what can I say, the weather has not been kind for astronomers so with the first clear and crisp winter's night on the 2nd of January I leaped at the chance. Ahhh - but there's a full moon!

My target for this evening was chosen fairly wisely - pointing away from the 3/4 moon, and one that I have not yet captured successfully. So to the lovely pairing of Messer 81 and 82 in Ursa Major.

M81 is also known as Bode's Galaxy, is some 90,000 light years across at a distance of 12 million light years.
M82 is also known as the Cigar Galaxy, is some 37,000 light years across at a distance of 13 million light years.

Left to right - Messier 82 / Messier 81

Total 2hr52min. (90sec. subs)
Askar FRA400 refractor
SkyTech LPRO Max filter
Altair 533C PROTEC (Bin 1x1 / Offest 192 / Gain 101 / HCG On / -5deg.C)
Processed in Deep Sky Stacker and Affinity Photo

Clear skies
