A Witch and a Ghost

With some really bitingly cold nights this January I set about imaging a couple of targets that are now more possible due to my kit upgrades of late - the Witch Head (IC2118) in Eridanus and Casper The Ghost (M78) Nebulae in Orion.

One word of note is that I am struggling to obtain an even background with these images - I'm pretty sure this is due to my offset for the black point, so a work in progress here BUT I did have a gradient to deal with too!? (any more excuses?! :) )

IC2118 lies approx. 1000 light years away and is a reflection nebula in Eridanus illuminated by the nearby bright supergiant star Rigel (Orion's left foot).
M78 lies some 1600 light years distant just above and to the left of the very bright belt star Alnitak in Orion.

Witch Head Nebula, IC2118 (1h45min. 300sec. subs.)

Casper The Friendly Ghost Nebula, M78 (2hr45min. 120sec. subs.)

Both images captured with the Askar FRA400 @ f/5.6
Altair Hypercam 533C ProTec (OS: 48 / Gain: 101 / HCG / Bin: 1x1)
SkyTech LPRO Max filter
Processed in Deep Sky Stacker, GraXpert and Affinity Photo

Clear skies
