NINA, Pretty Ballerina (and Messier 45)

With all the good things I hear about N.I.N.A. (Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy) I have decided to take the plunge and see how I get on.

I intended to take on Mars, but too many clouds and equipment gremlins put paid to that idea :(
After a reset and a brew I decided on a more camera friendly target - so to Messier 45, The Pleiades in Taurus, some 444 light years away.

Dodging the clouds I managed to bag about 1 hour of data, of which I used 46 minutes.
There was quite a bit of high cloud that gave a light cast over the sky - it was not the best seeing!

It was nice being out once again though and just looking up on such a mild autumnal evening. I had a meteor grace me heading north at around 11pm and Orion is now making its way into the south, heralding the onset of winter. 

Messier 45

60sec x 46 subs.
ED80 with x0.8 reducer/flattener
Altair 533C PROTEC camera binned 1x1 (Offest 48 / Gain 201 / HCG On)
Processed in Deep Sky Stacker and Affinity Photo

Clear skies
