It was the best of skies, it was the worst of skies......................

 I have just returned from a week on the North coast of Norfolk.  I took the scope and for once had clear skies.  However, the clear skies were short lived and you had  spells of around 30 minutes of clear before the clouds rolled in again.  This happened all week.

I spent a lot of time observing and had my best view of Saturn ever.  I would love to be able to put a picture on of what I saw but the set up I have doesn't appreciate heavy barlows, ep's, filters and a camera at the end.  I will persevere with that.  Likewise, I had a great view of Jupiter and then Mars.

The main focus was the sky directly overhead though, I don't think I've seen as many stars in a long time.  I enclose a shot composed of 1 min X 5 exposures. The cottage lights certainly added to the light pollution, so my picture isn't as good as I thought but there's no excuse for the poor focus I used!

There's a bit of nebulosity showing but I was pleased to include Andromeda towards the bottom, left centre.

Anyways, it's kicked started my observing season!

