Kelling Heath Autumn Equinox Star Camp

Well I finally made it to a Star Camp - the famous Kelling Heath Autumn Equinox in Norfolk, UK.
This is a really well organised affair by the Loughton Astronomical Society in association with the Kelling Heath site. The whole site is dark-adapted for the week - red lights are a must!

I arrived late on the Friday night for the weekend and it was a clear and DARK sky so I decided to setup and get imaging as soon as possible.

As will be no surprise to most imagers out there, as soon as I was ready to go the clouds started to roll in.
There were however, several breaks to take advantage of, so I decided on a quick target - the Eastern Veil in Cygnus, a supernova remnant some 1470 light years away.

I only had chance to get three 120 second exposures with my ED80 and the Altair Astro 533C ProTec, but the result I hope you agree is a testament to the Norfolk dark skies.

The Eastern Veil Nebula (NGC6992)

Camp is set

Clear skies.
