Well this is a coincidence.

Even though Al and I do talk quite a bit it's not always astro, astro, astro....

It was with some surprise then that we were both taking the Orion Nebula (M42) on the same night at the same time.
We had also framed the image to capture the Running Man Nebula (NGC 1977) too.

Of course we have totally different approaches (and kit) and with the post-processing always giving a personal take, the results were always going to be ineteresting.

I also wanted to try two techniques:
(1) Layering - different stacks of images for the core and outer so as to not "blow out" the core. These are layered and aligned making them show through (opacity) one another.
(2) Tone Mapping - a new feature added to Affinity Photo which helps to really bring out the detail.

But ... alas ... a problem. I'd been having equipment gremlins over the last couple of nights (hits us all at some point!)

When i'd finally sorted them it was later than expected and I was cold, so I needed to get some data fast.
300sec x 9 (no. 10 got binned) for the outer nebula, totalling 45mins.
1sec x 10 for the core.

I think this is a pretty good effort considering how little data I had obtained.
I have also captured the inner Trapezium stars which are not blown-out.

M42 Orion Nebula
Camera: Altair Astro Hypercam 183C PRO
Gain: 400 / Offset: 48 / Bin: 1x1
SkyTech LPRO Max filter
Sub exp set 1: 300sec x 9
Sub exp set 2: 1sec x 10
Processed with Deep Sky Stacker and Affinity Photo

Clear skies
