Seven sisters for seven brothers (that's not right!)

Messier 45, The Pleiades, Seven Sisters or The little plough? Whatever you call it, what a sight it is.
Like jewels shining in the very cold winter sky I jumped at the chance, but I had to contend with a bright moon and even with a bit of filtration has affected the final image slightly.

I tried a few pre-processing tools to try and get the nebulosity just right. 
In order of best output last to work with in post, these were:
1. Deep Sky Stacker
2. SiriL
3. Affinity Photo's built-in stacking

Post processed in Affinity Photo.

Altair 80ED refractor with 0.8x flattener/reducer @ f/5.6
Altair Hypercam 183C Pro
Offset: 48 / Gain: 800 / Bin: 1x1
SkyTech LPRO Max filter
90sec x 120 (3 hours total)

Clear skies.
