I've had a bad year regarding Astrophotography; I bought a new scope and had no clear skies for almost every night I was available since May!
However, I ventured out late last year and took some moon shots, to familiarise myself with the kit and camera
When I tried to find Jupiter, or the Orion Nebula it took me so long to sight my scope I'd lost interest! (I can only put this down to having such a small scope I was never sure where it was pointed.) But Christmas came and I got a red dot finder for around £30 and it has made my life so much easier. I can't recommend them enough.
So I'm back where I was a few years ago. I can now take pictures but need to learn how to stack.
I've got a few images of the Orion Nebula below but am unable to process them due to out of memory issues so I need to investigate. I have posted what I took though so here a picture of the waxing crescent moon and a single shot of the Orion Nebula. I will revisit these when I learn how to stack!! That and improved tracking and better focus, stability!
18 Hours Later......................................
So MJ looked at my blog, heard my tales of woe and talked me through the stacking process. Once this worked we were able to start on the processing, which MJ helped again. As such the resulting image has become;
The Orion Nebula
25 X 20sec
ISO 1000
Williams Optics 61mm APO Zenithstar
Olympus OMD EM10 Mk1
We even managed to pull out a bit of the Running Man nebula as well.
I'm sure that come the next clear night I'll be faced with similar issues but for now I'm pleased with the result.
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