First Attempt at Moon Stack

After the other evening's successful stack and processing of the Orion Nebula the other day I thought I would try for something else. Unfortunately the moon sat in my prime viewing location so I ended up trying that.

My attempts are no better than a single image due to the amount of blur from movement during the video but I successfully stacked so I'm happy with that.  I have boosted all the details, perhaps way too much, but have bought out more craters than previous attempts. 

Moon Stack 
35 x 1/250
ISO 400
Edited via Registax

Moon Stack from .Mov file

1350 Frames

PiPP used to convert .Mov to .AVI    

Autostakkert! used to stack the images

Registax for Wavelet adjustment

Photoshop /Lightroom for the final detail.

I will add a caveat and say that when I took the video the moon wasn't far above a neighbours roof so there was distortion from the heat coming from there roof!  Still, a lot of lessons learned this morning and that's never a bad thing.

