This is what Frustration Looks Like

 I haven't written on here due to lack of consecutive clear nights meaning that I have to relearn the aspects of my "new" kit each time I go out.  Still this makes it a perfect foil against Matt's increasingly, brilliant pictures!

Anyways, I went out last night to try and find my nemesis, Andromeda and list the main features of my night below;

  1. Find Polaris to centre the motor drive 
  2. Wait till it gets properly dark
  3. Find a star to focus on
  4. Remove moon glare filter first(!) - Sirius will do:
  5. Remove Bahtinov mask:

  6. Take random shots where you think Andromeda is - 15 to 20 second exposures

  7. Realise you can't find it so you enjoy the night for purely visual sightings
  8. See an Iridium flare
  9. Pack up the kit and review the images in closer detail on the camera in the house.
  10. Find this;
  11. Wait, whats that at the bottom right;
    Now I might be wrong and despite the frustrations I hope I'm not but that looks like a galaxy, or a very bright planet.  If it is, I now have it in my sights and will continue the quest.  If not I will continue chasing it.
  12. Needless to say I went out again and repeated steps 1 - 7 again but couldn't see it.
Overall the night wasn't a failure.  I learnt quite a bit like removing the filter when trying to focus on a star.  All my shots are very soft in focus so that needs more work.  There's not to much movement so my tracking is getting better and I generally had a good evening and will be trying again once the weather allows.

