Messier 51 - The Whirlpool Galaxy

As mentioned in a previous post, I didn't have a broadband filter to help with combating light pollution - I do now!

I chose the SkyTech LPRO Max and to make things easier the Altair magnetic filter drawer from Altair Astro.
My image chain is now: scope + flattener/reducer + spacer + filter drawer + camera.

So now on to the target for this post. Discovered by Charles Messier on 13th October 1773, M51 sits in the constellation Canes Venatici. It is a grand-design spiral and is interacting with its smaller companion NGC 5195 (Messier 51b).
Quite a few supernova have been seen in this galaxy, the latest on 31st May 2011 helped estimate the distance at 23 million light years.

This has been an object that I have wanted to acquire for a long time and it was well positioned above me on a really nice April night (which was a little chilly too).

39 x 240 secs.
Unity Gain / Bin 1x1
SkyTech LPRO Max filter
Processed with Affinity Photo

Clear skies.
