Horsehead and Flame Nebula in Orion

Winter brings some really great targets for the astrophotographer in the Northen Hemisphere. Orion The Hunter always signals the start of the winter season and brings with it some stunning sights - most notably the Orion Nebula (Messier 42).
However, I have always wanted to capture the fainter target of the Horsehead nebula or Barnard 33.
This was always one of those images I saw in books and on TV and films as a child and was clearly out of reach but which also fascinated me.

As an imaging target it also has a bonus too, in that you can get the Flame Nebula in the same frame.

So .... here we have it from my own back garden - the Flame Nebula (NGC2024, 1354 lights years away) and the Horsehead Nebula (Banard 33, 3.5 light years away).

The bright star is Alnitak in Orion's belt.

Clear skies.

[EDIT 02-MAR-21 - I have re-processed this data, shown below.]

Altair Astro 72ED-R with 0.8x flattener/reducer at f/4.8
Altair Hypercam 183C Pro (Offset: 50, Gain: 2500, Bin: 1x1)
Optolong l-enhance filter
3min. subs for 1hr total
Rowan-modded SkyWatcher HEQ5 Pro
Processed with Deep Sky Stacker and Affinity Photo
