I've had some time off.............................


I daren't look when I last posted but glad to see Matt is adding some stunners to the blog.

I got the scope out after almost 3 years and then dropped it on to it's focusser.  Even though it was a slow, controlled fall (!) it's broken the crayford focusser and as such I have to hold the eyepiece tube to focus,  not ideal but I did get Venus as a crescent last weekend.

Last night (11/4/20) I tried again but got so frustrated by the scope I did some shots straight off the camera.  Looking at them on the LCD screen on the camera they were "alright" but I edited them, using the Snapseed app on my mobile phone with a HDR filter and the results can be seen below.  They aren't great but to clarify this is just my camera (Olympus OMD EM10 Mk1), using a 17mm portrait lens at f2.8 on either 400 or 500 ISO.  Each exposure was 13 seconds.


Using Snapseed:

Zoomed in:

The above was taken toward Cassiopeia.

I also took Orion and Venus:


With Snapseed:

Zoomed in:

And finally:

The above has the Plough in a vertical position on the right hand side but it isn't easy to spot.

How many stars I've captured and how much is noise can be debated but it's enough to get me back in the saddle again.

