What a week!?

Well, what a week eh?
With lovely clear skies and cold, late Winter evenings upon us it was time to really let rip with this thing we call Astrophotgraphy.
I have done some serious giggling about with kit recently and itching to try it all out. All this was mainly to do with the computer side of things. With a refurbed Lenovo laptop at the heart of it, PHD2 for guiding and APT to control the camera stuff I was good to go.
One of the main reasons for all this was to use dithering to try and combat the problem of noisy subs (which I have not completely sorted yet!) Also to have a more complete system that I was confident in using which was reliable.

So to the images. Top is the Horsehead (and Flame) Nebula in Orion and the bottom is the Rosette Nebula and NGC2244 in Monoceros.

Total 1hr 33min @ ISO800

Total 1hr 40min @ ISO1600

The rig:
Altair Astro 72ED-R Refractor at f/6 with 1.0x field flattener
Canon 600D stock at prime focus with SkyTech CLS clip-in filter
Rowan modded SkyWatcher HEQ5 Pro
Processed in Deep Sky Stacker and Photoshop

Clear skies
