Coming in thick and fast

I'm now taking every opportunity to get outside and get used to my astro photography rig so I am comfortable with it for when the dark nights of winter are upon us (although autumn is probably my favourite viewing season).
Here I visited some objects again and some are new.
Again all images taken with Canon EOS 300D mounted at prime focus on Orion ST80. Stacked in Deep Sky Stacker and processed in GIMP.

I don't think I should push past ISO800 and preferably take longer sub-exposures at ISO400 to reduce noise....

Caldwell 14 Double Cluster in Perseus.
ISO800 120sec.

M57 Planetary Nebula in Lyra,
ISO800 120sec.

M81 (bottom) and M82.
ISO800 total of 16min.
Some light on this one due to the Moon but even so the spiral arms of M81 are clearly seen.

Edit 08-Oct: Not light from the Moon, but my neighbours security light!!

M92 Cluster in Hercules.
ISO800 total of 6min.

