New Year, New Kit.

Just a quick note to say I got some new kit for Christmas; a 2X barlow, a #21 orange filter and a Celestron 8mm -24mm zoom which I hope I can utilise and show you the results on this blog.

Last night, 9th January, was the first night I've been able to get out since getting the new kit and even then I wasn't well prepared.  I did manage to try everything out though.  The filter is great for observing but I have yet to get to grips using it for astrophotography.  The zoom lens is great, no need to change EP's and it has a T-thread under the rubber eye comforter.  The clarity is by far and away the best I have used yet.

The barlow is also great and should allow me to take full frame pictures of the moon.  Again, I haven't much time to try it out but when I have the full disc of the moon fits onto my sensor exactly, sounds great but does mean it's tricky to get a decently framed picture.

What with the new kit and my little bit of editing and stacking knowledge I thought I'd show you 2014's efforts so far;
Jupiter, 1 sec, 320 ISO.
  The moon, below, 1/80sec, 320 ISO
The Appenines, zoomed in.
  (I'm unsure as to why this has a lot of purple noise around the line of termination.  This isn't visible in windows explorer.)

All the above images were taken using the 2X barlow.  Hopefully my next set will be using the zoom lens.

