Well, it depends on how you measure success; I did use an 15mm eyepiece in my projector so in effect I was taking a picture at a 100x mag AND I did remember to shoot in RAW.
Details - Exp 1/50sec ISO 800
I have got a 10mm eyepiece which would be the next step but I'm happy with what I have at the moment. I also probably didn't have the camera set up exactly right & I didn't try taking a video and stacking the images. Too many things to remember in the cold night air with the results of Chinese gunpowder skills blasting off all around you!
Astronomy is a real roller coaster ride. You get a bit disheartened at first when you realise that the pictures you see in books are not the ones you'll ever see through your scope. You accept that, enjoy the new astral sights and then you start to take pictures, which again brings you down as it's difficult to capture what you actually see but if anyone had told me that I could take a picture of Jupiters moons, like in the last post, 4 years ago I wouldn't have believed them, now I have definite cloud bands and a little colour. I'm happy.
What next? Andromeda!!
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